by REMHAI | Apr 17, 2018 | Tips
Sign Up for our Course We’re building courses that will help you jump start your business. Sign up now to get on the waiting list. Name Full Name * Email Address...
by REMHAI | Jun 13, 2017 | Tips
Native Apps, HTML Apps, or Hybrid? You’ve got an idea. You already know you need an app for it. So how do you decide which one to pick? Native app, HTML app, or a hybrid that combines the best of both? What are Native apps? Native apps are apps that are...
by REMHAI | May 23, 2017 | Tips
There are multiple categories of websites available on the internet. Before you decide to get yours built, figure out what category you fit in. Take a look at our 5 categories of websites. Informational Site An informational site is just as it sounds, a site that has...
by REMHAI | May 2, 2017 | Tips, Uncategorized
Website or App: Which one should I start with? “Website or app? Which should I start with?” If you’re starting your own business or startup, you’ve probably came across this question at some point. Which one should you start with? A website? An app? Both? If you’re...
by REMHAI | Apr 25, 2017 | Tips
Story time! Imagine you came up with a great idea for a web or mobile app that you KNEW the rest of the world would love to use. You spend days, weeks, and maybe even months planning your product, getting developers and finally pushing it out to market. You sit and...
by REMHAI | Apr 18, 2017 | Tips
Whether you are thinking of getting a website developed or already have one, you will come across certain tech-terms while discussing things with your web developer. If you are having language barriers with your web developer, take a look at the 5 terms you should...