by REMHAI | May 30, 2017 | From The Web
This article is about us and why we are in business. The reason we want to work with SMBs and minorities is because we can make the most impact there. Thank you Jared for the well written piece. “You are the talent. Think of us as the support group.” That’s the motto...
by REMHAI | May 23, 2017 | Tips
There are multiple categories of websites available on the internet. Before you decide to get yours built, figure out what category you fit in. Take a look at our 5 categories of websites. Informational Site An informational site is just as it sounds, a site that has...
by REMHAI | May 9, 2017 | From The Web
Social Media is even more important for small businesses. This great article written by Stephen Sheinbaum from gives an overview of why. Why Social Media Is Important For Your Small Business By now, a majority of small business owners know that...
by REMHAI | May 2, 2017 | Tips, Uncategorized
Website or App: Which one should I start with? “Website or app? Which should I start with?” If you’re starting your own business or startup, you’ve probably came across this question at some point. Which one should you start with? A website? An app? Both? If you’re...